By Andrew Agoado, AP, DOM (AP3220 Florida) – Palm Beach Gardens, Florida – Acupuncture for Weight Loss – Today, over 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight. This has put a lot of people at the risk of contracting lifestyle diseases like cancer and diabetes. Specifically, cancer is more likely to develop where there are high levels of cholesterol. Generally, women are reported to have a higher percentage of body fat than men, making them prone to cancers such as ovarian, gall bladder and cervical. Men on the other hand tend to contract prostate, colon and rectal cancer. It is not clear as to whether the major cause of cancer is obesity or calorie intake.
It is the responsibility of each person to watch their diet and manage their weight. People should take initiatives to ensure that their weight is right by doing whatever it takes, even if it means enrolling in diet management programs or gym sessions. Whatever method one chooses, they should ensure that it does not work against their health. There are several reported cases where one loses weight, but their health doesn’t improve. Sometimes things even deteriorate. Permanent and healthy weight loss is achieved when one changes their lifestyle fully, not for a short period of time.
Using Acupuncture as a solution to Weight Loss
If you are looking for a permanent solution to your annoying weight issues, then you should try out acupuncture. The technique has proven to be more effective than other weight management programs. It is administered as a stress management technique, exercise and a proper diet for excellent results. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, small sterile needles into specific points in the body called acupuncture points. If well administered, it can help you lose 1- 2 pounds each week if part of a viable diet plan.
How Acupuncture for Weight Loss Works
At Palm Beach Gardens Acupuncture, we believe acupuncture is more effective than other weight loss methods because it works on weight from all dimensions. It solves the psychological and physiological issues that cause weight gain. The technique is administered with Chinese herbs to heal mental, physical and emotional problems that cause weight gain.
According to TCM logic, acupuncture and holistic herbs assist in balancing Qi in key organs such as spleen, pancreas and liver. This solves imbalances that are directly linked to weight gain.
The technique has an effect on different systems of the human body such as the endocrine, nervous and digestive systems. The result is a suppressed appetite, reduced anxiety, an energized body and a maximum nutrient absorption into the body.
Research on Acupuncture for Weight Loss
If you are still on the fence regarding acupuncture, here is a number of research studies that validate its efficiency:
A study conducted in 2003 shows that acupuncture is more effective than other methods of weight management. Those subjected to acupuncture treatment lost up to triple the amount of weight lost by a control group.
Another study conducted in 1998 at the University of Adelaide in Australia had about 95% of people who underwent acupuncture treatment experiencing reduced appetite. This allowed them to lose a significant amount of weight.
Yet another study from The University of Maryland involved women who were between 22 and 42 years old, with a Body Mass Index of over 27. The women were split into two groups. The first group acted as a control, and was put in a controlled diet, restricted to an intake of 2000 calories each day with exercise. The second one was put on an acupuncture weight control program. Those put under acupuncture lost double the weight lost by their counterparts.
Seek For Help Today
If you have been trying to lose weight with no significant results, then it is time to try acupuncture. At Palm Beach Gardens Acupuncture, we offer the ultimate solution to your weight issues, with free consultations offered to kick things off. Contact our licensed holistic physicians for a free consultation today!